Posted (Tina) in All Posts on February-4-2010

We’ve spent all day trying to get Ella cleared out.

This morning, we had another enema. This was her third one so far. Unfortunately, it did not do much (similar to the other two). So when the doctors rounded this morning, we discussed being a bit more aggressive. About 11am, we started to give her Pedialyte via g-tube as well as the IV drip, working towards getting her off the IV drip. Each hour, we increased the Pedialyte and decreased the IV drip. By 5pm, we were transitioned off the IV drip and taking only Pedialyte via g-tube. Actually, we’re surprised that the IV has lasted this long (we’ve had to save it twice because Ella moves around so much now that she kicks it out!).

Along with the Pedilayte, the doctors ordered MiraLAX (MiraLAX draws water back to the colon, replacing what was lost, and allows normal, easy and complete bowel movements. As it works, it provides more comfort and less straining without uncomfortable side effects). As I type this post, Ella has had 2 doses of MiraLAX. So far, no bowel movements. We’re just trying to clear her out from both ends and give her intestines a true break. Once we are convinced she is cleared out, they will verify via xray.

At this point, I think we might be here until Saturday or Sunday, if we don’t hit any major bumps along the road. Our hope is to get her cleared out and start food some time tomorrow. In the meantime, Ella is still managing to smile.

Psalm 33:4-5 (NIV)
For the word of the LORD is right and true;
he is faithful in all he does.

The LORD loves righteousness and justice;
the earth is full of his unfailing love.