Posted (Tina) in All Posts on February-7-2010

Ella woke up in a good mood and did another poop for us! This was right after the docs came in to discuss discharge. We were elated! We made it home from the hospital just in time to start watching an amazing Superbowl game. It was nice to watch the game in the comfort of our own home. However, watching it aired from Miami with 60 degree weather at 7pm EST made us jealous considering the snowy weather we’ve had today in Denver!

Since we’ve been home, we’ve had 3 uneventful feeds and more poop. All in all, it seems like her system is cleared out and has started functioning more optimally. Heck, she is doing better than ever before with feeds. Twice tonight, she would start the feed laying down and would begin to sit up and crawl while I was trying to bolus feed her. Also, she used to whine and fuss when she would see me approach with the syringe (indicating that she was not looking forward to it). Now, she doesn’t say anything – – it’s so nice.

As stated before, we were in the hospital nearly a week but it gained us HUGE progress forward for Ella. In our book, that’s a touchdown!