Posted (jooosh) in All Posts on January-16-2011

Yes, it’s true! Ella was released from the hospital on Friday afternoon!. That was only 10 days in the hospital for a pretty big surgery! I know I’m saying ONLY 10 days, but Ella’s pretty keen on hanging around hospitals for a month+ at a time. This was a real surprise and we’re incredibly happy to be home.

Grandpa George drove Tina and Ella home from the hospital on Friday. You can see that he was in charge of pulling along the precious cargo.

During the first 24 hours back from the hospital, Ella had done pretty good. We’re still having challenges around her bowels moving things along, so we continue the dance with Miralax, Senna, and Magic Bullets. She had pretty huge blowout last night, but she still hasn’t been stooling consistently.

Late Saturday afternoon, Ella starting showing signs of discomfort and her belly was looking a bit more distended. It looked like things were backing up again. We don’t want to push her body too hard with the stool softeners and stimulants, but we also need to keep things moving along.

After a round of Senna and still no evacuation, we opted for her second suppository for the day. This was during the time we we’re trying to put her down for the night and she just wouldn’t settle and she was obviously uncomfortable. Finally, about 45 minutes later, the brownies were baked and came out of the oven. With Ella experiencing that relief, she was content to sit next to me and the pooches until I put her down at midnight. As I type this it’s 12:40am on Sunday and she’s finally asleep.

I have to say that having all the support we received from friends and family in the form of thoughts, prayers, visits, dinners, gift-cards, balloons, stuffed penguins (not real ones of course), teddy bears, dog watching, and snow shoveling meant so much during Ella’s time at the hospital.

Your generosity and kindness provided us comfort during this challenging time. Thank you for being there for us!

Please continue to pray that Ella’s GI tract will start to behave itself and we can settle into a solid groove at home again. We know that through all of it our Hevenly Father is in control and our job is to simply trust. Not that it’s really a simple thing at all when you see your kid go though all she does, but we know our Lord is Sovereign.

Thank you Jesus for bringing our miracle girl though this hospitalization safely. We pray that her body continues to heal and the issues with her bowels will resolve. We pray for peace and comfort for Ella in the coming weeks. Thank you Lord. Amen.