Posted (Tina) in All Posts on April-4-2007

I was in downtown Denver working.  It was a Wednesday afternoon.  The sales team from Rent.com was in town to meet the new Director of Sales.  We were at the Hotel Monaco.  On a break, I checked voicemail.  It was Dr.Vargas – – she wanted to talk about the ultrasound.  Immediately, my heart sank.  I knew that the news was not good.  I tried calling her back – – she was occupied at a delivery.  We played phone tag.  Finally, later in the day, she reached me.  I was still surrounded by colleagues but excused myself to a corner of the hotel lobby.

She gave me the news that our unborn baby girl had a high-risk birth defect called Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH).  She wanted us to go see a specialist, so she took the liberty of making an appointment for the very next day at 2pm.  It was so hard to take in the news.  I wasn’t sure how to react.  I just knew it was very serious.  I tried calling Josh but he did not pick up his cell phone.  That was probably better…it would be hard to tell him at work over the phone.

Finally that evening, I shared everything with Josh.  He had so many questions.  I kept the cell phone number of Dr. Vargas handy and she offered for us to call if we had any other questions.  I prompted Josh to call and talk to her so he could hear the news himself and ask her whatever questions that he wanted. 

That night was surreal.  It made me sad…and upset.  Tomorrow would be a rough day…I just knew it.

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