Posted (Tina) in All Posts on February-10-2009

Ella had another rough morning, but got better by the afternoon.

Her OT session and eating sessions went pretty well. She was more tolerant the first eating session and seemed to take a liking to a couple of new flavors today: apples & apricots and peas & brown rice. Although, she apparently is not fond of garden vegetables. Well, her Mom isn’t either. So, there you go! As Kelly put it, it smelled like they forgot the vegetables and just put in the garden…like the dirt.

The PT session went well too. She is really starting to enjoy her “play time”. That is the key: getting her to do exercise and think she is just hanging out and playing. I walked in on the session and she was smiling! It was very cute.

One reason that she might have been cranky yesterday: one of her teeth on the top has broken through her gums! She has several that seem like they are going to emerge any day, but one has actually surfaced.

As I type this, I’m a little shaken up. We just noticed emergency vehicles pulling up to our neighbor’s home. Our hearts sank and we started praying. Once we could tell that someone was placed in the ambulance, Josh walked over real quick to see if there was anything we could do for them. It was our neighbor’s mom who suddenly became ill. Please lift her up in prayer – that the Lord would heal her and bring peace to the family.

We praise Him and thank Him for the many blessings, including our health. And although Ella has her challenges, it has been nearly 4 months since we have been hospitalized. We’re very thankful.

Colossians 2:7 (NLT)
Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.