Posted (jooosh) in All Posts on February-16-2009

Ella has been really cranky the last few days. While Tina’s been nursing a badly sprained ankle, I’ve been on Ella watch during the night which has made me a bit of a cranky bear too. The last couple nights, Ella was up almost every hour after 2am. Most of the time, it’s just a request for her binky and frog. Sometimes it’s for a drink. Other times, it’s because she’s pulled her cannulas out.

I do think we have some rationale for her insomnia the last few months which really started after her last hospitalization. Through some online research, it’s our thought that one of her meds could be contributing to her restlessness. We’ve identified her increased coughing as a side effect of Captropil which may also be keeping her awake. This is not something we can modify at this time though due to the positive impact this med is having on her heart and the rest of her pulmonary system. Hopefully the procedure on the 25th will be successful and will reduce the needs for this kind of medication. We’ll just have to see though.

She did gain weight rapidly over the past 5 days, 9.06 kilos to 9.42 kilos. Plus, today has been 2 weeks since we gave her a dose of Bumex. So like clock-work, we gave her a dose of Bumex at noon to see if we could get some of the fluid off. We’ll have to watch her weight over the next few days.

With me having Presidents day off, I was able to escape with Tina for some one-on-one time for a good few hours this afternoon. We enjoyed lunch together and people watching at Wash Park. What a gorgeous day.

Thank God for our baby girl, even though she’s been quite a cranky butt.

“There is no Ella, there is only Zuul.”