While our working trip to California has been enjoyable, it’s had its fair share of challenges. None of them greater though than what we’ve gone through in the last 36 hours.
Long story short: Ella’s in the hospital. A short time ago she was admitted to CHOC with symptoms of a bowel obstruction. The contrast x-Ray confirmed what we had seen before. The kiddo is very backed up.
The challenge here though is dealing with a medical system that is unfamiliar compounded with the fact of our complicated little girl.
36 hours ago we were at the Pachanga RV resort. Close to Tina’s mom. Ella spent the entire day being inconsolable. We tried all the tricks we knew, but nothing worked.
At 4:30am we packed up the rig and headed to a satellite location of Childrens Hospital in Laguna Niguel. Two failed IV attempts later plus lack of diverse resources, they recommend we transfer to CHOC.
After dealing with transport drama, we make the decision to move Ella ourselves. Mind you, our only mode of transportation is the RV.
We drive north to CHOC. Ella’s admitted. They get an IV placed in her arm, and now we start the multi-day process of letting her system clear out.
No word yet if this blockage is more serious than before, but we’ll see.
Were all totally wiped out. A little scared thinking she needed surgery tonight.
Holding off on surgery for now. In the PICU in a wait and see mode. Thanks for the prayers.
P.S. Sorry for the scare with the short post. It didn’t all come through on my phone.