Posted (Tina) in All Posts on February-24-2009

It was sunny and warm here in Denver today – 65 degrees. So, Ella had a chance to go on a walk and check out the neighborhood!

The day was also filled with her typical therapy exercises: sitting in a bath of pinto beans for tactile stimulation. We’re trying to get her to touch them and feel the beans. Normally, she does not like anything on her hands and will pull away if you initiate anything with her hands.

She tolerated her feeding sessions much better today, an improvement over yesterday. And it is a different child than last week when she was not feeling well. Wow, what a difference. Again, still meltdowns and whining about feeding but her toleration and self-calming was much improved. As I discussed with the OT, I think we just need to go back to basics. She agreed and so we have gone back to some very simple, basic feeding techniques and strategies to get Ella back on track with her eating.

Tonight after 3:30am, Ella will not be able to eat. Normally, her food pumps runs and feeds her continuously till 6:30am. So, I am sure that she will be a bit cranky from lack of food by the time we arrive at the hospital at 9:30am and are waiting for the procedure. Again, the procedure starts at 11:30am and is scheduled to last for 4 hours. We’ll do our best to keep the blog updated as the day unfolds.

We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers for the Bun.

Psalm 71:6 (NIV)
From birth I have relied on you;
you brought me forth from my mother’s womb.
I will ever praise you.