Posted (jooosh) in All Posts on September-6-2008

Ella’s doing better than she was yesterday, but is still far from being as dry as she should be. Her labs indicated a BUN of 14 which may be a bit artificially low due to her lack of feeds over the last couple days, but it’s still a ways from her dry target of 25.

Clinically she’s behaving better, even throwing out some smiles, but her respiratory and heart rate have been more elevated today.

Her IV Lasix was being administered every 3 hours yesterday to help get her dry, but as of 2am this morning, they switched back to every 6 hours. After rounds, we all agreed to switch her back to a Q3 schedule for IV Lasix until she’s completed her journey into feel-good-land. This way, she’ll be in a better place next week to test some other medications that will allow her to hopefully reduce her overall diuretic intake.

We’re excited for next week because we’ll be going after the potential cause of Ella’s fluid issue instead of just treating the symptoms. Please pray for wisdom in finding the right mix of medications.

A bit of good news: Ella was able to transition over to PO pain medications without issue so the pain specialist pulled her caudal epidural at 6am this morning. The removal was pretty rough for Ella, not because of the epidural catheter, but because of all the tape holding it down. Nothing like waking up to someone yanking a bunch of tape off your back (OUCH!). Fortunately, I was able to pick her up and console her pretty quick.

I’m hanging out with the Bun today while Tina runs some errands and shows the house to some prospective renters. We’re trying to be open to what God wants us to do from a rental perspective, so please pray for discernment.

Thanks for keeping up with our precious miracle, and for praying us through this rough time. Praising God for the work He is doing in and through Ella Renae.