Posted (jooosh) in All Posts on June-7-2008

Tina and Grandma escaped to do some shopping and I spent time taking care of the Bun. Nothing makes me appreciate my wife more than a little alone time with Ella. Don’t get me wrong. Ella is sweet as peaches, but she is a lot of work. And when she’s cranky, that goes double. We did have a good time today though, and boy, she is cute.

We’re still getting the house in order trying to get into a routine. Going back to work in the office was a very surreal experience. The engineering team that I’m on has almost tripled in size. Lots of good people though.

One thing I totally didn’t anticipate was just how much I was going to miss being with my girls. I was with Tina and Ella pretty much every day for the last 10+ months in Gainesville.

The fact that we’re actually home still hasn’t fully hit me. I’ve had a couple moments where the emotions of it all have spilled over, but the realization of the entire journey continues to sink in.

Continuing to thank God for bringing us home.

Joel Snyder on June 7th, 2008 at 11:24 pm #

Ella, I am happy to hear you and Dad had a good day. Nice for Mom and Grandma to get a break. I had a good day with Taco and Manny they mowed and trimmed the yard and I watched. I am at work and hope you have a great Sunday. I will check on you later. Love,Grandpa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

the Lizotte family on June 8th, 2008 at 7:30 am #

Nice job big daddy! Ella you take good care of care of that daddy too 🙂

Cliff, Diane and Sonic Blue on June 8th, 2008 at 9:01 am #

Josh, you 3 have just live 10 months of a life one way in Florida, now even though you’re back home to your old life, it’s still a new life with the three of you,(Sorry Taco, Manny, Pumps and the “Whatever” cat – I don’t mean to exclude all you guys). You’ve only had a few days of this way of life and all this will come into place also. Give it time and know each day you’ll get a better handle on it. Easy for me to say, huh ! Good luck. We’re glad Ella is adapting to Denver so well. Stay Safe, Healthy and Happy !!!!
Uncle CLiff, Aunt Diane and Cuz’ Sonic Blue

Jim and Char Jordan on June 8th, 2008 at 3:47 pm #

Ella Darling, you are a blessed baby with great parents and wonderful grandparents. It is good to see your smiling face…at home at last. LOL Jim and Char

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