Posted (Tina) in All Posts on December-29-2008

Ella had a tough time going to sleep last night. It was 10:30pm and she was hyper. Kicking her legs and making noise. Wow. It literally took 30 minutes of calming and rocking to convince her that sleep was a good idea.

Once she fell asleep, her numbers were still not as good as we would have liked. Sometimes it is hard to tell when she first goes to sleep, so I asked Josh to look when he woke up early this morning. Unfortunately, still a bit on the sketchy side. We thought we would ask Kelly to watch her clinically today.

Kelly reported that she tolerated the food as the day progressed and went into the later sessions. They tried a bit of apples with some sweet potatoes. Hopefully, her progression will continue to move in the right direction. I know that the Christmas break was not a great time of feeding progression. She has an OT appointment tomorrow, so hopefully the OT can continue to bring more perspective.

Overall, Ella had a pretty good day. Her and Kelly had fun using all the new toys that Santa brought her. Also, Ella was sporting a new outfit from Grandma Eusey with a new headband from Grandma West. Pretty sassy looking in her Elmo attire! And she did not mind spending time in her exer-saucer. The first time was for 45 mins to an hour. The second and third time was for another hour. Lots of time sitting up today! Good job Bun!

When Ella went to sleep tonight, it was the same type of “red flag”. She was on 1 liter of oxygen saturating 93-94 which is okay, but not where she normally would be on 1 liter. Heck, we’ve even been able to wean her to 750ccs when she is asleep and doing better.

That likely means that she probably has more fluid on board. It’s tough to know for sure, but that is what we are leaning towards. This means that we will probably have to call Dr. Abman tomorrow to see if he wants to give her more Bumex.

As we drift off to bed tonight, we’re just so thankful for Ella.

Thank you Lord for blessing us with the Bun.