Ella was restless last night and woke up a few different times. Thankfully, this has not been the norm these days.
Also, she is experiencing more gas with her feedings. The food density has not changed, but the volume has changed over the past week, so maybe it is starting to impact her. We think this is the main cause of her restlessness over the past 2 nights.
Her PT appointment went okay; she participated in the session for about 30 minutes. Then she hit a wall and decided that she did not want to work any longer. We might try mixing it up tomorrow and see if we can use her sitting up in the pack-n-play to trick her into doing more exercise! Distractions and doing things on her terms tend to work better. We shall see…
Later in the day, we had a speech therapy session too. We’re still in the strategy stages of figuring out the best methodologies to use with Ella. For example, using sign language versus a system where Ella would point to a picture to communicate. One more test will be completed during the next speech therapy session and then, we will get more serious about implementation.
We’re still seeking Him for the next best steps including both of us potentially looking for work and seeing where things lead. Above all else, we just want to be in step with His plan. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that His plan is always best.
Ella is a huge example of His plan. It is so challenging and stretching to have a special needs child. Yet, one mom of a special needs child expressed her thoughts this way, “Kelsey is really an agent for positive and immeasurable change in all of us. She is a reminder that we can’t take all the stuff we think is so important and work so hard everyday in the end. Kelsey has taught us to transcend daily life. We all just have to take time to see it, and believe me; some days I completely miss what Kelsey is all about.”
Psalm 18:30 (NIV)
As for God, his way is perfect;
the word of the LORD is flawless.
He is a shield
for all who take refuge in him.