Ella had a good day. It was a good day for me and Grandma too.
It was one of the first days that we did not feel like we had to rush anywhere. No appointments during the day made it more relaxing.
Ella went to bed later last night which left time in the morning to have coffee on the patio with Grandma. That is one of those things we enjoy doing together. The weather was pleasant this morning, sunny and glorious with the mountains.
We did have some visitors at the house today too. First, our neighbor from our former neighborhood stopped by. She brought some cute summer clothes for Ella and of course, gave me a huge hug. It is so great to see familiar faces. Ella was asleep when she first arrived which gave some time for catch up.
Then a bit later, another visitor stopped by…she was too sweet. Although we have never met in person, she has been watching the blog and praying for us and Ella. She wanted to bring us some food. We have dinners, lunch, breakfast, etc. It was such a sincere gesture. This gave us an opportunity to meet a new friend…and she has 3 girls and another one on the way! So it is not as if she does not have a million things going on, but took the time to drive out and think of us.
The visitors were a welcomed change of pace and since it is hard to travel with Ella, especially with the oxygen, it is nice to have people come to see her.
In the early evening, I showed our house again to a different prospect while Grandma stayed in the car with Ella. We are still praying for the right tenants to rent our house. Also, I was able to visit with another neighbor from our old neighborhood. Once again, it is good to connect with familiar faces.
After that appointment, I dropped Grandma off at the airport. She was such a tremendous help in getting us settled into our house from Gainesville. Although there are still some things to do, it is much improved from the first time we arrived, less than 2 weeks ago.
Josh is working late tonight and has an early morning tomorrow. It will be the first day for me and the Bun to be by ourselves since we arrived in Colorado. I’m hoping for a fun and stress-free day.
Ella has another pediatrician appointment on Monday, June 23rd. I’m hoping that she has gained weight. Until that time, we are waiting for the OT and PT services to start. And aside from that, just trying to get into some sort of daily routine in our new environment.
Our baby girl is such a miracle and such a testament to God’s love and faithfulness. This is a difficult road that he has placed us on, but we look forward to seeing what He has planned in this next chapter.
Above all else, we know that this is not something we would have picked for ourselves, but that He knows best and that He will not have us endure anything that does not have a purpose. We just pray that we can continue to obey Him daily and follow His voice.
This article I read today provided truth and I thought I would share an excerpt:
His Sheep Follow Him Because they Know His Voice
by Katie Montei
The strongest desire I have felt during this painful season is for it to be over. Sometimes when we feel trapped in the valleys of life, we forget to listen for what God has for us today. I need to remind myself daily of the Psalmist’s declaration in Psalm 27: 13-14, “I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” I have learned that it’s alright to feel pain; God has never told me to ignore my pain, as if I were not hurt at all, but instead he directs me to continually offer it to him. When I come before the Lord in quietness of spirit, opening one hand in offering my pain, one hand in trust and hope, patiently waiting on him, I am able to hear his voice…The voice of God is not always so palpable, his presence is not always so concrete, but it is in the getting on with life and the hard work of living out our faith that we still need to listen carefully to the Shepherd who says, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me…no one can snatch them out of my hand.” John 10:27-28.