Posted (Tina) in All Posts on December-9-2007

The weather in Denver is frightful, but the Bun is so delightful.

They discontinued her fentanyl today – – that is HUGE. This is the pain medicine that she has been on since birth. They are going to wait a few days just to make sure, but if all goes well, it means that her central line will come out soon. It is a potential source for infection, so the sooner it is removed, the better.

When we came to see her, she was just getting ready to shut eye. She must have felt our presence, woke up and decided to hang out. It was great to see her and hold her. You could tell that she was tired, but the excitement of her parents was too much.

She tried taking cat naps, but never really fell asleep in my arms. Therefore, 2 hours later, she became over tired and quite fussy. Finally right at shift change, she fell asleep. Thank God!

At shift change, we left and had dinner with Par’s parents – – that was fun. Of course, our conversation is centered around the babies and the NICU. It is such a blessing to have friends that we can talk with at that level…and they really understand. Please pray for Par this week – – that he will make progress with his feedings. Also, he is likely going to have his upper GI test which will test to see if he has reflux. We’re praying for a good outcome.

We have not seen Jasmine in a couple of days and our heart is heavy for her and Chris. Jonathan is still struggling to hold on. We hope and pray that he can overcome this mountain and begin to get better.

Ella has been on CPAP with a pressure of 4 and holding on well since last Wednesday. The plan is to wean her CPAP down to 3 tomorrow. We pray that she will hardly notice the change in pressure. Keep in mind that the next step after a few days would be trying the nose cannula with just oxygen support.

As you know, we are earnestly seeking the Lord’s will for our next steps. Please continue to pray that he will give us strength, endurance and wisdom concerning the decisions we need to make for Ella’s care. Are we to stay local for a little while in Gainesville or move back to Denver right away? As much as we want to go back home yesterday, our true joy comes in knowing that we are in His will and following His plan for our life. Whatever the outcome, we want it to glorify and honor Him.

John 15:5,8
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”

p.s. Yep, you guessed it. Pumps likes the Christmas tree too!

Adrienne - Melissa's sister on December 10th, 2007 at 4:26 am #

Oh.. a REAL LIVE tree! I’m jealous over here in the desert! Your kitty looks quite content and I was so happy to see Tina made it home safely too…. a happy little family complete again. BTW – I *loved* the post from Jean Sexton yesterday… it was beautifully put and so right on. You are a light wherever you go and it cannot be hidden. It shines through whatever you do and say and points the way to our hope this season as we celebrate all over the world.

Gloria & Red Jacobsen on December 10th, 2007 at 6:53 am #

It is so good to hear Ella is doing so well! Looks like Florida has more than sunshine for baby Ella! God is good! I love the picture of you holding her ,you look so pretty and happy! I think the cat has claimed your christmas tree has his own! Lots of prayers the Bun will soon come off all the tubes and be home with Mom & Dad. Extra pryers of course for Par,Jonathan & Jasmine. Merry Christmas! Gloria & Red

Joel Snyder on December 10th, 2007 at 7:24 am #

Ella, You look so happy with your Mom and I am glad to see that your making progress with the drugs and CPAP. It is snowy and cold in Denver but Manny and Taco are handling it very well. I will be praying for you and Par and Jonathan today. Love, Grandpa!!!!!!

Joan and Steve Odell on December 10th, 2007 at 7:51 am #

Mr. Josh – YOU DONE GOOD!!! it is a beautiful tree – Glad the three of you are back together again. Thoughts and prayers for Great Grandma and little Jonathan, along with Par and the West family. The Lord will open the way and show you the path you are to walk for Ella’s future care. Sometimes it is hard to wait and let things happen in His time and not ours. We pray today is a strengthening and healing day for all three babies. Special prayers for Jonathan and his parents. Hugs and Lord Bless – Steve and Joan

Williamsburg on December 10th, 2007 at 8:01 am #

We may have cold toes here in Denver, but it warms our hearts to see Mom and Ella looking so cozy and cute together. What a huge step to d/c the fentanyl and look ahead to oxygen and more new adventures! So glad you’ve connected with other friends/parents; that mutual sharing and support is huge. We love and miss you. XOXOXO

Avery Kronz on December 10th, 2007 at 8:29 am #

I am so glad that Ella is delightful!That is exactly what our kitties do to our tree! Last year when our cats were babys,they tried to climb up our tree! we are praying for you. with love,Avery Kronz

Char Snyder Jordan on December 10th, 2007 at 10:29 am #

It is so good to keep in touch with your little family. The cats seem to be serene. I guess we should all take a hint from them. They are excited about the adventures of having a Christmas Tree to climb? Well, Pump seems to have something up the sleeve. We shall see. All sounds so good. We will continue to remember Jonathan in our prayers, have a good day. LOL Jim and Char

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