Williamsburg on December 30th, 2007 at 9:15 pm #
It’s days like these (and so many other days you all have had to endure) that we could wish there wasn’t quite such a high premium placed on that whole ‘endurance’ thing and its results. I wish we could take even a day of it off of your shoulders somehow, but since we can’t, we thank God who is at work in you for his endurance on our behalf, and yours and Ella’s too. It’s hard enough with healthy babies to go through the unexplained fevers and viruses and mysterious baby illnesses – can’t imagine how it is for you two, wanting so much to bring her home and be with her 24/7. We’re glad in the midst of it all that Dr. Kays is maintaining a hand in the process and that we know 2008 is in the hands of our mighty God as well. Big squishy hugs and all our love. XOXOXO
Joel Snyder on December 30th, 2007 at 10:17 pm #
Ella, I am sorry that you are still not feeling well. I am praying that they will find what the problem is and can help you to continue on your path to going home. I will also pray for a good x-ray on Tuesday. J&T keep up the good work I am praying that you will be given the strength to endure all challanges. Love, Grandpa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eusey Family on December 30th, 2007 at 11:40 pm #
She sure looks good. You would never know she was fighting a little bug.
We continue to pray for your endurance and God’s will. We pray his will is to bring Sweet Ella home with you soon. Big hugs and kisses from Ella’s cousins tonight.
Eusey Family on December 30th, 2007 at 11:42 pm #
PS Tina, your brother is out tonight celebrating Jeff Haack’s 40th with him – thought you would get a kick out of that.
We are off to take the kids to snow for New Years tomorrow (only one night away). So, if you don’t hear from us HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2008 be your best year ever.
Gloria & Red Jacobsen on December 31st, 2007 at 12:05 am #
So sorry to hear she still has the fever. We will cotinue to pray for a quick recovery! We love the picture proud MOM and oh so cute baby! We will pray the Lord contines to strenghen you both. From the love in your face Tina holding your precious Ella,Ican see your love will sustain you. I remember meeting a young Marine, not long ago, back from Irqg,he was so excited and so in love with his new born son,he told me “I can’t believe how much I love him,but I would take a bullet for this kid! What a awesome love God puts into our hearts when we become parents and when I think that’s just a reflection of His infinite love for us, I am blown away! I love that part in the bible that says ” I will lift you up on engles wings. His love and strengh is yours. Know we’re in prayer for Ella and you & Josh, as I sure your prayer team around the world is too! All the best Gloria & Red
Lizotte Family on December 31st, 2007 at 7:05 am #
She is 1 hot blooded girl! We will pray for her to cool down.
Joan and Steve Odell on December 31st, 2007 at 7:57 am #
Bless your hearts! Sweet Ella – the challenges you have had and conquered – I pray these types of challenges stop so you can proceed with solid healing and strengthening. Momma and Daddy – hang in there – are you know the days can be long and overwhelming. Please know you are not alone – the Dear Lord is right beside you and so many of us are as well – May the New Year bring the three of you health and homeward bound in His time. Lord Bless and hugs – Happy New Year – Steve and Joan
Adrienne - Melissa's sister on December 31st, 2007 at 1:18 pm #
I will be praying that the New Year will bring in some healing with it. those bugs are no fun no matter how old you are but especially for little Ella!
45 minutes till New Year’s here…. kiss each other for us!
Tammy on December 31st, 2007 at 4:26 pm #
I will be praying that the New Year starts off with Ella’s fever going away! By now you must be so weary of hospital “everything”! But the lord has been faithful and will see Ella through this too!
Happy New Year sweet Ella.
Jim and Char Jordan on December 31st, 2007 at 4:40 pm #
We will continue to ask for strength and endurance for everyone. Happy New Year. LOL Jim and Char
Avery Kronz on December 31st, 2007 at 6:15 pm #
Dear Ella, Merry Christmas and a happy new year! we have been in Ohio and we just got back. so we just saw year posts. we will pray that the Lord will heal Ella. Love, Avery
Laura Marold on December 31st, 2007 at 7:44 pm #
Happy New Year Tina, Josh, and Ella!!! I’m keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I know how difficult it is to spend so much time in a hospital (plus the traveling time). It’s exhausting in every way. Try to get as much rest and exercise as you can now. You will need stamina when Ella comes home. I’ll pray for that for you and for all good things to come your way. It’s a brand new year with brand new challenges for all three of you. I have confidence in you and love does conquer all. Love is also the answer to most questions and I’ll pray for more of that for you guys also. Love you, Laura M.