Posted (Tina) in All Posts on October-7-2008

Ella did great last night. She only started to wake up in the early morning hours. The overnight nurse helped vent her a couple of time throughout the night and then she did not wake up until the morning. That is the last time I can remember her sleeping real solid throughout the night.

The Bun’s cortisol test came back with flying colors. Praise God that her adrenal glands are working and that she will not need to take cortisol supplements. When they initially placed the IV and drew the blood, her level was 16. Thirty minutes later it was 34 and thirty minutes after that it was 31.

Interestingly enough, Ella’s basic metabolic panel came through from last night. Her BUN is still 34. This is the same level when it was tested early Saturday morning. This is amazing that her BUN stayed the same yet they did decrease the dosage of Aldactazide. This means that the Aldactazide is working well for her.

Also, I brought up the food and how that might play a part. Dr. Kays was always keen that food played a big part in her overall fluid status. And not just the volume of food that she took, but the actual type of food. Last night after the cortisol test, Ella started taking 27 k/cal formula. She seemed to tolerate it fine. When they discussed during rounds this morning, they felt that since she is still dry, she could probably handle a little bit more volume. So, they have her at a rate of 31ccs/hour (used to be 30ccs/hour). If all goes well, we might try increasing the caloric content of the food in the morning.

Clinically, she looks fantastic. Aside from her BUN still being too high, she looks and feels amazing. You can just tell. That is so good to see.

Since we are getting close to our final cocktail for Ella, they have ordered more blood labs in the morning. They want to check them again to see if giving her the extra volume did anything to her labs.

My dear friend Terri arrived from Dallas today. She volunteered several weeks back to fly out and help coordinate our move. Aren’t great friends an amazing blessing? Literally, I have no idea how all this would have worked without the help of her and other volunteers that have stepped up.

Today was great. Since Ella was on a good path, I had Kelly come to the hospital to take care of her. This left me the flexibility to go to my house where volunteers showed up to help pack. Plus, it gave me lots of time with my friends throughout the day. It was a nice break for me and it gave our nanny more time to get to know Ella in the controlled environment of the hospital.

We made great progress on the packing and even had some friends offer to load up their cars and take a drive to our house to unload belongings. We made a huge dent in the packing and feel confident that the move will take place without too much chaos!

The next few days will be key for Ella stabilizing out so we can take her home. Please pray for us to get our rest, and for everything to fall into place for the move. The weather report is stating rain all day on Saturday. Please help us pray for no rain! It will make the move even that much more challenging if we have imminent weather upon us.

Psalm 69:16
Answer my prayers, O Lord,
for your unfailing love is wonderful.
Take care of me,
for your mercy is so plentiful.

Joel Snyder on October 8th, 2008 at 12:52 am #

Ella, It’s hard to believe that you have made such great progress so fast but I am grateful and praying for more steady progress. Kelly thank you for your wonderful care of Ella. I went and got your friend Teri today and what a treat it was to meet her. Your Dad is at my house with Grandpa for a few days during the move. I will try to come see you tomorrow. Love,Grandpa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Dirirm Family on October 8th, 2008 at 3:23 am #

Love her hairdo!! We are praying for Ella’s continued favorable results and the time when you all can leave the hospital. And for a smooth move.
Our God is an awesome provider. Rest in Him.
The Dirrims

Kathy on October 8th, 2008 at 4:12 am #

PRAISE GOD that she is doing well! I will continue to keep you all in my prayers! And pray for no rain OR SNOW!

the Lizotte family on October 8th, 2008 at 7:16 am #

The Lord is good. God bless your friend for being so kind and thoughtful.
Big hugs for everyone.

megan on October 8th, 2008 at 7:23 am #

Goodmornin Ella… I am so happy that the news is still good.. I really enjoyed helping your mom and aunt Terri move last night. I hope you have a wonderful day! Hugs and prayers always!

Jennifer Harris on October 8th, 2008 at 8:48 am #

Once again, thank you for Ella’s progress report. Her eyes look bright and sparkling. GOD will show us His mercy and grace and we continue to pray for your family daily.
Peace & Blessings

Dawn Franck on October 8th, 2008 at 9:55 am #

Tina and Josh, I am glad to hear that Ella is doing better and that her care conference went well. Hopefully just little more tweaking and then she can go home soon. I am glad you found Kelly, it sounds like she is a big help. I also hope that she can begin to tolerate more food once her meds are figured out. Take care,

Joan and Steve Odell on October 8th, 2008 at 12:07 pm #

Hello Precious ONe: So good to see you looking and feeling great = The Lord is right there beside everyone to take care of everything. Prayers for a smooth transition in homes and for Ella to come home soon. Love and hugs – Steve and Joan

Kelly the Nanny on October 8th, 2008 at 1:31 pm #

It’s funny to me that I’m at the hospital now watching Ella responding to the post yesterday, even though I was here. haha.

Spending time with Ella is full of surprises every time–the smiles, the meltdowns, the naps–it’s all so genuine and beautiful. I love being able to be here with her!

Progress is slow at best, but it’s happening and it’s great to see her on a daily basis judging how she’s feeling clinically as opposed to how the doctors say she is, and comparing them. That’s how we’re so in tune with her!

2 Corinthians 3:18
“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

He takes us as we are and molds us into what he wants us to become–until the character traits of Jesus begin to take shape in us. And that’s what others see in you, Tina and Josh. It’s so easy to see Christ in you both. I love living one on one in that environment.

Can’t wait for normalcy and the move! Love you both!

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