Posted (Tina) in All Posts on December-30-2008

Well, the Bun still didn’t look good by this morning according to her numbers. So in-between meetings at work, I paged the pulmonologist. He wants to make sure that it is not something else that is causing the lower saturation, increased heart rate and moodiness. After talking, he agreed to give her one more dose of Bumex. Afterwards, she had a huge diaper and that was it. So, maybe we have dried her out now.

But when we put her to bed tonight, her numbers still didn’t look great. We’ll see once she is really fast asleep. If she gets worse over the coming days, the pulmonologist asked that we call back. He wants to make sure that it is not some other sort of illness that is causing these symptoms.

Yep, Ella was going at it in the exer-saucer again today. She also had physical therapy today as well. The notes from the therapist indicated that she is rolling from her belly to her back on a consistent basis. Ella still needs to gain upper body strength, so the PT asked that we continue to make Ella reach mid-line for toys and grab for things when we are holding her to build her shoulder/torso strength. Also, she requested that Kelly give her several sessions of tummy time throughout the day. Right now, Ella only tolerates 3-4 minutes at a time.

And of course, we are still working on oral foods. Looks like sweet potatoes to me!

We’re just thankful for where Ella is at today…we are not at the hospital. We have a wonderful doctor that we can call and try to manage her care from home. I can’t imagine if we had to take her to the doctor every time she showed symptoms. We would be having doctor visits 2-4 times per month. That would be a drag…and living at the hospital is a drag.

So although she is not doing as good today as other days, we praise Him for where He has her and continue to pray for her increased strength and health.