Posted (Tina) in All Posts on February-11-2008

Yes, Ella had her first playdate tonight…and guess who? Par came to visit Ella. He came into town for a check-up with Dr. Kays and decided to stop by for a visit.

It was really nice to see Liz, Rusty and Par. We all became so close in the NICU; it had felt like an eternity since we had seen them. That is one benefit to staying in Gainesville during this season: we get to meet and visit with some other CDH families that come to town to see Dr. Kays.

Another thing that was so nice – – Liz brought a supply of breast milk for us. When we talked about it the other day, I explained to her that Ella could not be fed on breast milk exclusively right now simply because of the fluid issues/concerns, however we would like to start training with oral feeds. It would be great if I could use breast milk for the training. So when Liz came from Birmingham today, she brought some of her supply with her (more than I was expecting).

We had another visitor this afternoon. Nurse Janet came by and visited with Ella for about 1.5 hours. This freed up my time to go get the mail and go to the grocery store. It was so nice to get outside and have a little bit of fresh air.

Speaking of fresh air, Ella had a stable day on her slow feeding regimen. We’re so thankful that feeding slow is working. We did have one issue with her last feed tonight at 9pm. She started fussing a lot and Josh said that it seemed like there was pressure in her belly. We stopped the feeds early and vented her tummy. By that time, she was so upset that all the food was pushed up into they syringe. Finally over time, she relaxed and it all went back in.

Our first follow-up appointment is with Dr. Kays tomorrow. We will be reviewing our feeding challenges as well as our concerns with her g-tube.

Please continue to pray for Ella and her strength. Also, please pray for wisdom and guidance for Dr. Kays so we can figure out these last couple of mysteries related to our baby girl.

Psalm 105:4
Look to the LORD and his strength;
seek his face always.

Gloria & Red Jacobsen on February 12th, 2008 at 3:22 am #

So glad you & Ella had a nice day with your vistors. We will be praying your vist with Dr. Kays gives the answers you need on her feedings. All the best. always Gloria & Red

Joel Snyder on February 12th, 2008 at 3:38 am #

Ella, What good news that your feeding is going well. Also that you got a visit from your friend Par. I hope that your appointment with Dr. Kays goes well. Josh and Tina have a good day and I hope things are settling down for you. I will check on you later. Love,Grandpa!!!!!!!!!!

John & Estela Williams on February 12th, 2008 at 9:18 am #

Play dates are the best… glad to hear that you were able to get some fresh air. Those moments are highly needed. Love you guys! Good luck today with your appt. w/ Dr. Kays

Williamsburg on February 12th, 2008 at 10:05 am #

Ella, how fun to get to see your friend Par and his mom and dad, and what a nice treat for your parents. Wish we could come for a play date! Just know that you all remain in our thoughts, hearts and prayers daily for all of the issues and challenges, along with praises and trust in God who has brought you so far. We love you. XOXOXO

Macarena herman on February 12th, 2008 at 10:11 am #

Hi guys!! I still check up on you and it’s great seeing pictures of all 3 of you. Ella looks great and I’m so happy she’s home again! We miss you guys so much and we think of you all the time. We send lots of hugs and kisses!

Char and Jim Jordan on February 12th, 2008 at 11:38 am #

How nice to have someone around who can really understand just how you feel. How is Par doing at home? We know that only chosen people get babies like these. Not everyone could understand the issues and be able to cope with the constant changing difficulties. YOU ARE GREAT! We love you and send our kindest thoughts and prayers to you. LOL Aunt Char and Jim

Avery Kronz on February 12th, 2008 at 2:44 pm #

I am glad that CinderELLA is back home. Ella looked so cute with Par! Love, Avery

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