Posted (Tina) in All Posts on February-20-2008

You would not know from the photos, but Ella had a rough day.

Her fussy behavior continued along with sounding more congested. Again, just not feeling that great.

To make matters worse, feeding did not go well. She seemed to be retching a lot today. A couple of times it was directly related to food. Other times, it would be 30 minutes or so after food, which was different (it would even wake her up from a deep sleep). The only thing that seemed to make some sense is that maybe she was having more secretions from being congested (post nasal drip) and that is what started the retching. She does have a sensitive gag reflex.

When she retches, it is just hard to watch. She is not breathing and it has to hurt. All I can do is increase her oxygen while it is happening and try to console her afterwards. Several times today, she just seemed inconsolable. Such a rough day for the Bun.

Once again, she has been sleeping more than usual. However the few times when she was awake and in a good mood, I pulled out the camera for your enjoyment.

Josh and I are feeling a bit weary today. Also, we are feeling lonely. It is tough being away from home, from family and friends. And because of Ella and her condition, we are confined to our Gainesville apartment.

Please pray that Ella starts to feel better and that whatever is pulling her down would fade away. Also, that we will seek Him and hear His voice. Hearing and absorbing truth always helps to combat the blues.

John 10:27
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.