Posted (Tina) in All Posts on March-10-2008

Today was uneventful which is a blessing in our eyes.

The Bun slept through last night only waking up a handful of times. Most of the day, she was in a great mood. We took a 15 minute walk and she tolerated it. We were able to get 550ccs of volume into her throughout the day via g-tube. We are hoping this translates to weight gain when we visit Dr. Kays tomorrow.

The only drawback is that she does not seem to be interested in feeding via the bottle. Our high point was 120 ccs last week and now, she is only taking 10-20ccs at the most each time. Sometimes, she is clearly not wanting the bottle at all. The intake over the past few days via bottle has been between 20-40ccs. I can’t figure out what has changed over the past week, but clearly, something is different.

I’ll be excited to see the pediatrician this month, so I can discuss a food strategy with her. I want to see if there are other things that I can consider giving Ella orally since she is 7+months old. I think having something with texture and taste would be good for her and she would like it. We simply have to tread lightly since it could cause her other issues.

She was ultra smiley today as we spent time together. That smile is healing. It reminds me of what is important. It reminds me that we have been through so much, yet there is so much more to come. And that He has a plan.

1 Peter 4:12-13
Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.