Posted (jooosh) in All Posts on August-16-2008

Ella is continuing to require 2 liters of O2 to maintain her saturations and a manageable heart rate. She exceeded 180bpm a few times this afternoon, but she mostly hovered between 150 – 160bpm. When she was sleeping last night, her heart rate fell closer to her previous baseline of around 115bpm. It seems that her tachycardic episodes are really occurring during the times she is awake.

Ella also had a few retching episodes today. These moments have been less frequent than the week before she entered the hospital, but even a few times a day is too much in my mind.

We hope to get more insight into Ella’s respiratory issues once she has a bronchoscopy performed. We’re planning to have this done at the same time she has the surgery to repair her hiatal hernia.

Even with her elevated heart rate and increased O2, you can see by the pictures that Ella is looking and behaving ok clinically.

While Tina was out, the Bun and I enjoyed some cuddle time together and I even got her laughing pretty good with some tickling.

We also had a college friend of ours stop by to see us and our girl. Ella made a point to bake her a patty cake.

Ella’s day of surgery is looming, but still not set in stone. I’m not trying to focus on it too much until it gets here. We know that we can trust the Lord in all things. The journey we have been on over this last year leaves us no doubt. Praise God for where He has us.

James 1:2-4 (New Living Translation)
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.