Posted (jooosh) in All Posts on October-18-2008

Ella had a great day. She’s doing good on the 24cal food at a rate of 25ccs per hour. This has played a big part in her mood.

We tried feeding her some apples, but it didn’t go well. She’s definitely taken a step back in this area. There was a time when she’d open her mouth for more food, but now, she just melts down. It’s hard to see this backward progress, but Tina reminded me that we were here before, and she’ll come around again.

At this very moment, the Bun is asleep, and Tina, Kelly, and I are outside enjoying a mild October night in Colorado next to our fire pit.

I know there are many of you out there who don’t comment, but you do check us out almost every day. Thank you for keeping up with Ella’s progress and for all support.