Posted (jooosh) in All Posts on May-17-2009

We all had a great day hanging out with the Snyder family. There were 10 people over for dinner at Aunt Ginny’s and it was a good time for all. Ella mostly behaved herself while being around everyone. She had a couple moments where her stranger anxiety got the best of her, but otherwise she did very well.

We also had some time outside for lunch. We’re trying to hit the restaurants that we’ve really missed since being in Colorado.

Around 8:39pm we experienced a 4.7 magnitude earthquake for about 15 seconds. We grew up out here, so it’s not a totally foreign experience for us, but that magnitude is more on the medium scale. It was a pretty solid roller though and I felt it real good because I happened to be “in the library” at the time of occurance (that was a first for me). It was certainly Ella’s first earthquake!

Looking forward to relaxing with the Bun and catching up with more family and friends this week.

Joel Snyder on May 18th, 2009 at 1:15 am #

Ella, You are just adorable and it looks like you had a pretty good time at Aunt Ginny’s house with everyone. Another first for you an earthquake glad to see it was on the mild side. Today was beautiful in Denver 78 degrees and sunshine. I am going to check on those crazy cats tommorow. I will catch you later. Love,Grandpa!!!

Kathy in West Texas on May 18th, 2009 at 3:37 am #

Do you know I never heard anything on the news about the earthquake! That’s really strange! There wasn’t anything on the webpage either! Guess they didn’t feel like it was newsworthy!

I hope ya’ll have a wonderful trip, despite the earthquake!

Amber Riley on May 18th, 2009 at 7:43 am #

Welcome back to California with that earthquake. It was a good shake but my 3 kids slept through it. Typical California kids i guess. Ella looks soooo cute!!

Eve Johnson on May 22nd, 2009 at 3:12 pm #

See? It’s true! Ella rocks y’all!

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