Posted (Tina) in All Posts on September-1-2007

Ella is doing better today. She has had a couple of “episodes” and is on the sensitive side with her stats, but we hope that she can carry through the night.
Nurse Andrea turned Ella on her left side today; she tolerated it for about an hour. After that, she switched to her back and Ella seems to be doing better.
She does have a bedsore on the back of her head from being on that position so frequently. They have treated it with surface antibiotic ointment and are trying their best to monitor it.
Her blood gases at 2pm were slightly better (57 for cO2 and 68 for pO2). We will wait to see on the next blood gas at 10pm.
When we checked at 6:30pm, her fluid output levels were around 250 (less than the same time yesterday). Ella has to go all the way until 7am to complete the 24 hour period. But, we are hoping to see even more fluid reduction.
We had our friends visit from Atlanta today, Brendan and Lesli. They brought a new monkey named Georgia to add to Ella’s zoo. Also, they couldn’t handle too much Gator spirit (although the Gators won over Kentucky by a landslide today), so they brought a University of Georgia Bulldog to sit in her bed. Watch out Gators!
They tried to convince us that she is a Georgia Bulldog at heart, but we let them know that she must have a bit of Gator spirit in her considering she was born in Gainesville! Brendan even promised that if Ella gets better, he will wear a Gator shirt for a day…wow!
It was so nice to visit and have the support of friends. They had a long drive both directions from Atlanta, but it meant so much to see them.
We hope that Ella’s fluids continue to decrease through the night and that she can maintain her stats. We would like to see her have a calm, restful night!
Thanks for everyone’s support and prayers.
UPDATE (12:32am EST): Called in to check on Ella. Nurse Jim said that she’s doing real well tonight. She’s been behaving for him since he started his shift (7pm). Her saturations have been pegging 100% and she’s be resting well. We’ll be resting well too =). G’Night all.

Fran Jarrett on September 1st, 2007 at 5:22 pm #

Quite a zoo Ella is getting! It is nice to know they are all there helping watch over her!
Praying that Ella’s fluids continue to decrease and that her stats will maintain. And also that all three of you have a calm and restful night.
See you in the morning. God be with you. Love, Fran

Lisa Richmond on September 1st, 2007 at 5:45 pm #

She’s a fighter! Continued strength and comfort throughout the weekend for all of you! Our thoughts and prayers are with you…

Lesli on September 1st, 2007 at 7:39 pm #

We’re home safely and had a wonderful visit with you! Ella is truly a gem and it was a blessing to meet her in person. We love you!

Brendan and Lesli

Heidi on September 1st, 2007 at 7:50 pm #

Josh and Tina – it is so awesome that Lesli and Brendan could come and visit with you both. How I wish it could be me 🙂 Keep up the good healing Ella we are praying for you.

Love, The Ham Family

Eusey Family on September 1st, 2007 at 8:33 pm #

Sweet Ella, we think about you every moment of each day. We are praying for reduced swelling and improvement in stats. Keep fighting little one.
We love you.

Char Snyder Jordan on September 1st, 2007 at 8:58 pm #

It is good to see her every day. It is a blessing to have friends that can share the journey. We will pray for more success. We are proud of you and your continued steadfast faith. Love, Aunt Char and Jim

Joel Snyder on September 1st, 2007 at 9:35 pm #

Tina and Josh, Just getting ready for work. Sounds like the Gator Girl had a fair day. I am praying for more steady improvement in her stats by the A.M. She sure has a great collection of critters with her.Love to All!!!!!!!!!!!! Grandpa

Judy on September 2nd, 2007 at 6:51 am #

Ella is in our thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good fight Ella. May God bless and keep you in His tender care. Judy from South Fellowship Church.

monika on September 2nd, 2007 at 10:27 pm #

sweet gatorgal you are such a grand tiny person already, filling everyone with wonder of GOD’S PLAN for such a survivor of precious life. know i love you and mommy and daddy how true and precious you all are. hugs and kisses, monika and family

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