Posted (Tina) in All Posts on April-7-2008

Ella did not sleep well last night and she barely took naps today. I’m hoping that means lots of shut eye tonight.

The Bun was not as interested in eating today. The most she took was 20ccs in one session. Kind of a bummer…

When Josh fed her early this morning, she seemed fussy and not satisfied with the bottle. He thought that maybe there was something wrong with the food. So, he made the innocent mistake of tasting the formula! Wow…I think he was surprised at how awful formula tastes. Certainly this meant the formula had gone bad, even though it was refrigerated and less than 24 hours had passed.

So, he proceeded to make an entire new batch of formula. Once he shook it up, he took a taste of that batch too. I think he expected that it would taste better, but it tasted the same. It literally made him lose half of his breakfast in the sink! According to Josh, this explains why Ella isn’t taking the bottle – – the formula is nasty! I’m not sure that is quite the deal, but it does explain why it smells so bad too!

Ella and I took a walk this evening as the sun was setting. It was not too hot and there was a slight breeze. Ella tolerated it well and even perked up when I made silly faces at her periodically. At the end of the walk, I just held her for a while so that she could look out at the view. There were some birds flying around and calling out to each other. Since Ella has been watching her Baby Einstein video titled “Neighborhood Animals”, she recognized the birds and smiled. Very cute.

The last day or so, Ella has been testing her vocal cords more. She is starting to laugh. It is hard to hear, but it is gaining strength. Also, when she gets excited she is making these outward bursts of her voice. It surprises her along with us. It is a good sign that she is realizing that she can make noise. Her first step was learning to cry and fuss. She has that one mastered, but cooing and giggling are still in development.

I can’t wait for the day when Ella can talk. Our greatest desire is that she will grow to know and accept the Lord.

We hope and pray that we can be the parents we need to be, so that she can one day praise Him with her lips.

Psalm 71:6
From birth I have relied on you;
you brought me forth from my mother’s womb.
I will ever praise you.