Posted (Tina) in All Posts on September-6-2007

Ella is still holding on strong! I keep feeling like I need to pinch myself. It is so great to see how God is working.

Her afternoon blood gases were incredible. So when Dr. Kays checked on her before he left the hospital for the evening, he went to the ventilator and weened it further. Her oxygen is now at 40% – – this is the lowest amount ever for her! She will have another blood gas at 10pm and we will see what those turn out to be.

Ella’s fluid output looked like it might turn out to be close to the same amount as yesterday, 105. Dr. Kays wants to see that go to zero. If her fluid output is not less by 7am tomorrow morning, he plans to increase the octreotide medicine. She is at the maximum dosage that was used in the research studies, but since there are no known side effects and it might help, he wants to try increasing the dosage even further.

Nurse Janet is taking care of Ella tonight (one of the “Fab Four”), so we are resting well knowing that she is in good hands.

Thanks for the earnest prayers of many.

Hebrews 10:23
23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

Posted (jooosh) in All Posts on September-6-2007

Ella knocked her stats out of the park again this morning. Her blood gases were fantastic (cO2=49, pO2=215!). Dr. Kays has weened her down on the vent even more now, reducing the oxygen input to 45%.

Her total fluid output is down another 40cc’s. She was at 145 yesterday, and 105 today. This number still needs to reduce some more before her chest tubes can be removed, but our baby girl is on the right track.

Nurse Andrea is on today. She hadn’t been with Ella since last week, so seeing how well Ella is doing today was a pleasant surprise for her.

I keep teasing about taking our baby girl home. Just snatching her up and running away with her. I was ready yesterday, but God is not through with us being out here yet.

Please pray that Ella’s fluids to continue to reduce and for the Lord’s will to be done in our lives in the coming weeks. Thanks.

BTW: Uga has come home. Looks like he was lost under some of the blankets behind Ella’s bed. I know the Richard’s will be resting easier now. 😉