Posted (Tina) in All Posts on March-23-2009

Ella woke up only 4 times last night between 9:30pm and 7am – that’s pretty good for her. I know I appreciated the sleep. Since she was well rested, she had a good day.

Because she has so many doctor appointments this week, we arranged for occupational therapy and physical therapy today. As usual, she enjoyed her physical therapy session. However, her independent spirit and lack of desire for eating led to a melt down for occupational therapy, so they went to her room to work on tactile stimulation instead. Who would have thought that a bath of pinto beans would help a child progress? I agree, it looks strange.

Ella weighed 9.8 kilos this morning. We’re still seeing good weight gain with solid numbers clinically, so we’re excited to see if we will get to discontinue the Captopril medicine tomorrow. Also, we’re excited to see Dr. Abman, her pulmonologist, to show him how great she has been doing since her SVC procedure.

Psalm 23:1 (NLT)
The Lord is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.