Posted (jooosh) in All Posts on July-25-2008

So a couple of you mentioned that the 365 day count was incorrect on Ella’s birthday (the 24th) due to the leap year. Initially I thought it was off because we started our count with day one on her birthday instead of zero…but that would have put us back another day, not ahead one.

I did some digging, and sure enough we had double entries for day 346. Probably due to some crazy late night posting that day =). Fortunately the mix up wasn’t too many posts ago, so I went back through and updated the other day counts.

Now, hopefully, you freaky OCD calendar people can sleep at night. 😉

Ella’s grandma made it in safely and Tina suggested that we go have a one on one dinner while she watched the Bun. It was nice to see my mom and catch up with her in person.

Grandma and I will be on Ella duty tomorrow while Tina escapes for awhile. We should have a good time hanging out together.

Sleep well my little angel.