Posted (Tina) in All Posts on June-5-2009

It was a relaxing day with Ella.

It’s hard to see, but she has a small bruise under her right eye. The other night, she was going crazy in her exer-saucer and seemed to be having a great time. All of a sudden, she started crying hard. I wasn’t sure what happened at the time, but then the bruise showed up. Poor Bun!

We’re excited for her doctor appointments on Tuesday. She has not been saturating great. When she gets upset and holds her breath, she is turning blue quickly. Also, it also seems like she is sweating more. She used to do this a lot when she was much younger, especially in the NICU days and shortly thereafter.

We feel like this is something related to her SVC procedure. Maybe the stents are clotting and blocking the flow in/out of her SVC. Dr. Fagan said this was a likely possibility and that the change would probably be subtle. If it isn’t her SVC, something is going on.

It is hard for all of you to tell because I just post the happy pictures. But she is having lots of meltdown moments each day and doesn’t seem to be quite as stable. Please pray for Ella to get stronger and for us to be able to get direction when we visit the doctor on Tuesday.

We’re still seeking the Lord for the next best steps in our lives and looking forward to the weekend for relaxation.

Psalm 119:15 (NIV)
I meditate on your precepts
and consider your ways.