Kara on July 7th, 2008 at 10:32 pm #
Good luck tomorrow with the therapist. A word of warning: when they learn that melting down will get them what they want they will use it against you. Kailee used to cry so hard she would throw up when we tried to get her to go to sleep by her self. And because of the softies we are Rob or I ended up sitting with her while she went to sleep until she was 12. Yes, I said 12. We are either fabulous parents or stupid. Either way it was a lot of work later because we didn’t suck it up and put in the work when she was a baby. Ah, the beauty of hind sight.
LoriAnn & The Boys on July 8th, 2008 at 6:24 am #
Well, I feel for you; when you hear your baby cry, you just want to make all the sadness or pain go away. I feel for Kara, who mentioned that she had to stay up with her daughter until she was 12! We still have our four year old in bed with us and our Autistic 7 year old (who now weighs over 60 pounds!) joins us all around 3AM. Yes, we have a huge bed. Ella has had so few experiences with different people, so I can see how she would get upset easier. I pray that she gets used to her new PT and grows a loving and helpful manner towards her. I am sure that after a time, Ella will look forward to her new “friend”. I also feel for you, Tina. It has to be difficult to be home-bound most of the time. Yesterday, when my hubby got home from work at 2:30PM, I walked out the front door, while he walked in. My four boys had just driven me beyond sanity. I walked to our downtown area and got a (homemade) ice cream (I don’t drink, but I found myself asking for a DOUBLE -LOL) and just walked around aimlessly for an hour. When I came home I felt so refreshed! The chaos was still home when I got back (so was my husband, thankfully), but I felt so much better to handle it. My two older boys go off to a great Christian camp this morning for 5 glorious days. I do watch my friend’s two boys from 10am to 10pm today, so that her and her hubby can go off to Spokane to play all day, and my four regular kids join the crowd at 2pm to 10pm, but I am looking forward to the break for the few days after today. I am sure their are days that you feel like running out of the house screaming, “I am free!”, but those wonderful days of getting to share yourself and Ella will come quicker than you think. I pray for you Tina and Josh that Ella is running to you for hugs and kisses. Blessings from a Sister in Christ, LoriAnn and all her boys.
LoriAnn & The Boys on July 8th, 2008 at 6:27 am #
Well! That was a long post. Sorry. BTW, Tina, if you ever feel like chatting, just e-mail me or I.M. me. My “handle” at Yahoo is the first part of my e-mail address. Even though I am surrounded by kids all day, I carry my laptop around like a teddy bear and can chat throughout the day.
Julie on July 8th, 2008 at 7:31 am #
A friend of mine has a daughter who didn’t get any teeth until she was a year old. Then she cut six (or maybe it was eight) of them in about 2 months. Which wasn’t fun for anybody.
So, uh, be prepared, I guess. 🙂
And I echo LoriAnn’s comment about AIM. I may not be able to chat long, but if you see me on, I’d be happy to say hi. My handle is the same as the name of my blog.
Joel Snyder on July 8th, 2008 at 8:14 am #
Ella, How exciting to see your PT and get to know her better. I am sure you are going to show her the same steady progress as before. I am looking forward to your B-Day and I hope you and Mom have a great day. I am taking Taco to the vets for her eye appointment. I will check on you later. Love,Grandpa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim and Char Jordan on July 8th, 2008 at 10:17 am #
I just love to go to the web site. I can just see my brother, Kara, Rob or anyone else that logs on. What a blessing. LOL Aunt Char